Welcome to the ABCDemocracy project's website!

Through a toolkit with learning units especially adapted to the needs of the target group, using various forms of auditory and visual media

With the aim of strengthening young people´s democratic participation and autonomy to motivate them to take an active role in the political and decision-making processes
About ABCDemocracy

In a context where although Civic education is one of the main pillars of a free, open and peacefully society, young vulnerable Europeans who have a lower educational level and/or suffer unemployment and have lower understanding of democratic values, participate less in politics.
ABCDemocracy aims to revert that, by enhancing the basic democratic knowledge, sensibilizing about democratic and European values and by improving the equal access to everyday decisions of young vulnerable European.
For that, ABCDemocracy will develop a set of learning materials, which will be able to be used by the target group, young vulnerable Europeans who have a lower educational level and/or suffer unemployment.
We want to promote an improvement and increase in the political education and the political participation of young vulnerable Europeans.
We work under the criteria of key democratic competencies that will allow a more and better participation of young vulnerable Europeans in the political and decision-making processes, further strengthening equal opportunities